Statement from the Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
During a period of complex economic, political and social change, the coalition of Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce has accomplished a lot for our state’s businesses and communities.
As proud Texans and small business owners, we are disappointed in the opposition of today’s House resolution (HR 155) and Senate Resolution (SR 163) welcoming our chambers to the Texas Capitol and recognizing the contributions of more than 1,000 LGBTQ+-owned and allied businesses from areas in and around Austin, Houston, North Texas and San Antonio.
Simple resolutions like this express congratulations and recognize individuals and organizations across our great state who work to make Texas a better place to live and work. These resolutions are not submitted to the governor for signing or filed with the secretary of state. They rightfully acknowledge citizens and organizations working to keep the Lone Star State prosperous, innovative, growing, and welcoming.
The Texas House has already honored four chambers this year and today the Texas Senate honored other chambers of commerce. The coalition of the Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce should be included. The opposition of these resolutions in both the House and the Senate signal to companies and talent looking to call Texas home that our state is not open for business. Business is Business and recognizing all businesses in the state is important to acknowledge and support the diverse communities that make up the whole of Texas.