2025 Day at the Capitol Registration
For communications during DATC.

Please provide this information so we may determine your State Representative and State Senator.


Please indicate the activities in which you plan to participate:
I understand that I may appear in photos and/or videos taken during the event and grant the Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce, Austin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, Greater Houston LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce, North Texas LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio LGBT Chamber of Commerce, and their representatives (hereby known as "the Chambers") to use my likeness in marketing materials, web and digital publications, and on social media.

I agree to indemnify and to hold harmless the Chambers, their service providers, sponsors, employees, management, directors and authorized representatives from all liability, claims, demands, actions, damages, costs and expenses that may arise from damage to or loss of property, or death, or injury sustained by an persons because of their participation in this event.

I understand that while at this event, I am a representative of the Chambers and that if my behavior does not serve as a positive representation, I may be asked to leave.


To sign this form, please enter your name and today's date.